The Best Eyebrow Shape for Your Face Type
Like haircuts, when it comes to eyebrows, all shapes do not fit one size. While getting perfect eyebrows depend on a number of factors, what it really boils down to is matching your eyebrows with the dimensions of your face.
Knowing what brows look best for your face type and how to properly shape them, will not only emphasize your best features and make you look younger, but it’ll build your confidence and deter the use of unnecessary makeup.
But how do you determine approximately what brow shape makes sense with what face type? Below is a list of the best eyebrows shapes for each face type out there, so you can find your dream, golden arches.
WARNING: Our philosophy is that while a face type can give an eyebrow specialist feelers for what brow shape best suits the person, ultimately, the specialist has to navigate many different factors of the brows to get the perfect, natural looking, custom shape for each client. But that’s an article for another day.
Square Faces
When it comes to square faces, the jaw line is the strongest feature. Therefore, it’s priority to balance a strong jaw with a strong brow, or to soften the appearance of the jaw
with soft curves. Angled brows, for example do a great job at creating this balance.
When getting your brows done, or a thicker stronger colors and shape with balance. Think Robin Wright.
Round Faces

As mentioned in the name, round faces create a rounded, more widened look, and the last thing you need is for your brows to make your face look any rounder.
To give your face a longer look, create a higher arch and stay away from arches that have a more rounded look. Think Kate Upton.
Oblong Faces
Opposite of the round face, the oblong face appears to long in length, therefore the idea eyebrow look will be take make the face appear shorter. To achieve this look, aim for a brow that has more of a flat look (not to high of an arch, but not a extremely low arch). Creating a flat look will give balance to your face and make the jaw line appear smaller. Think Jennifer Connolly.
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Heart Faces
Heart faces have a lot of curves, especially near the jaw area. To balance the shape of the jawline and to feature your beautiful heart shape, it’s best to round out your eyebrows. In doing so, you’ll achieve a beautiful natural look that creates a very soft and elegant look. Think Reese Witherspoon.
Diamond Faces

Diamond faces have sharp angles at the highest peak of their faces; the cheek bones. The goal with diamond faces is to make the face appear less wide.
To do so, curve the eyebrow and it’s widest point, to make the face appear more slender. Think Halle Berry.
Oval Faces
The Oval face is one of the most universal shapes and can virtually handle any eyebrow shape. However, be mindful that because the face is already oval, you want to stray away from brows that will make your face look more rounded.
Soft angled eyebrows are idea in creating a soft balance and bringing out your best features. Think Jessica Alba.
Learn More
Want to learn more about our amazing eyebrows services? Contact us and we will be happy to help!
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